Saturday, 29 May 2010

Hazard Communication

  • Requirements of the standard.
  • To know how and where to find specific hazard information.
  • Inform employees about Hazards of chemicals.
  • Precautions and protective measures when using, handling and contacting chemicals.
  • Also known as HAZCOM.
  • Everyone working with Hazardous materials has the “RIGHT TO KNOW” about Hazardous materials used or produced in their work area.


Hazard is defined as a physical or chemical characteristic of chemicals that has the potential for causing harm to people, the environment or property.
Chemicals: - Any element, chemical compound, or mixture of elements and /or compound.
Hazardous substance: - Any chemical / product / catalyst or waste classified as such by applicable national / local legislation and chemical/substance/material identified by organization as harmful to people, property and the environment.
Hazardous chemical - means any chemical which is a physical hazard or a health hazard.
Physical hazard - means a chemical for which there is scientifically valid evidence that it is a combustible liquid, a compressed gas, explosive, an organic peroxide, an oxidizer, pyrophoric, unstable (reactive) or water-reactive.
Health Hazard – The term health hazard includes chemicals which are carcinogens, toxic or highly toxic agents, irritants, reproductive toxins, corrosives, sensitizes which acts on hematopoietic (blood forming) system and agents which damage lung, skin, eye or mucous membranes.
Hazard Warning – Any word, picture, symbol or combination thereof appearing on the label or other appropriate form of warning which convey the hazards of the chemical of the container.     
Container- Any bag, barrel, bottle, vessel. Storage tank or the like that contains hazardous chemical.
  1. Develop and implement management system that accomplishes the requirement of this sub element.
  2. Responsibility to ensure compliance of this Sub-element in accordance with SHEM-00.01: Management Commitment, Accountability and Responsibilities.
  3. Roles, Responsibilities of all other positions that are responsible for implementation of this programme shall be clearly identified, documented and communicated.
  4. Each department will keep and provide the ISD with an accurate list of all hazardous chemicals used, produced, and / or stored at each process or operation.
  5. Written Hazard Communication Program
    • Each department will Develop, Implement, and Maintain at each workplace, a written hazard communication program which at least includes

    1. List of chemicals,
    2. Labels and other forms of warning methodology,
    3. Material safety data sheets, and
    4. Employee information and training.

    • Multi-employer workplaces: Where Contractor Employees may be exposed, The Hazard Communication Program shall ensure
           Method to provide information to onsite Contractors –
    1. On each hazardous chemical the contractor employee might exposed.
    2. Precautionary Measures
    3. Labeling system used in the work place.

    • The written Hazard Communication programme shall be made available to all the Employees, Contractors and Auditors upon request.
  6. Hazard communication for Manufacturer / Importer – Label
    • Any chemical containers that leave Company must be labeled, which convey the hazard information of the substance they contain.
               The label must identify the following:
    1. The contents of the container,
    2. The name and address of the chemical manufacturer or importer, as well as the emergency telephone number.
    3. The physical and health hazards associated with the chemical.

    • Exception -   Signs, placards, process sheets, batch tickets, operating procedures, or other such written materials may be used in lieu of labeling of containers, provided:
    1. The containers can be readily identified
    2. The alternative warnings must contain the information required for labels and be readily accessible to employees at all times.
    • An employee who transfers a quantity of a hazardous chemical from a labeled container into a portable container for his immediate use shall not be required to label the portable container.
    • Existing labels on incoming containers of hazardous chemicals shall not be removed, covered up, or defaced unless the container is immediately marked with the required labeling information.
    • Labels or other forms of warning shall be legible, and prominently displayed on the container, or readily available in the work area throughout each work shift.
    • The department receiving a shipment shall inspect incoming containers to ensure adequate and appropriate labeling of hazardous chemicals / materials.
    • Each operating organization shall ensure appropriate and adequate labeling of hazardous chemical storage containers under their jurisdiction.
  7. Hazard communication for Employer-  MSDS
    • Company shall obtain or develop Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all hazardous chemicals used in the workplace.
    • Industrial Hygienist shall maintain a master copy of all MSDS(s) prepared or received for hazardous chemicals produced or used by Yansab.
    • MSDS shall have minimum information as given in definition under SHEM 12.3  (American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has proposed a 16 section format MSDS presented in ANSI Z400.1 – 2004)
  8. Employee Information & Training
    • Training on all Hazardous Chemicals –
    1. Upon initial assignment of employee exposed to the hazardous chemicals, and
    2. Whenever any new hazardous chemicals are introduced into the work area.
    • Employee shall be informed of
    1. The requirements of the Hazard Communication Standard.
    2. Operations in the work area where hazardous chemicals are present.
    3. The location and availability of the written hazard communication program, The list of hazardous chemicals in the work area and the MSDS(s) or hazardous chemicals in the work area
    • Employees shall be trained on:
    1. The methods and observation that may be used to detect the presence or release of a hazardous chemical in the work area.
    2. The physical health hazards of the chemicals at the work area.
    3. The measures employees can take to protect themselves from these hazards. (Appropriate work practices, engineering and administrative controls, Existing labeling system and personal protective equipment).
    4. Details of the Hazcom Program, including An explanation of the labeling system, MSDS and how employee can obtained and use this information.
    5. The hazards of non-routine tasks and unlabeled piping systems.
    6. That the employee and the employee's physician has a right to receive information regarding hazardous chemicals to which the employee may potentially be exposed.
  9. Records – All training records shall be maintained for entire employment period of the employee.
  10. Verification –The position(s) that are assigned the responsibility to ensure compliance to this Sub-element shall conduct Self-Assessment in accordance with SHEM-00.06: Compliance Audit & Evaluation.

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